"Plug and Play" Transil Diod

This is a variant of the previous realization. It uses the same schematics, but it has been made for those of you who are reluctant to modify the original diagram of the bike.

1. How is it made ?

This is a small module that you will insert at the location of the original ECU fuse.
It is made of a small board which receives the popular 5KP15A diod and a fast fuse socket calibrated at 10 Amps. You can see it :

Le module plug and play

The red and blue wires are equiped with flat pods that you will insert at the place of the original fuse. The black wire is terminated by a round pod and connected to the ground. The fuse and its socket are available at low cost in any electronics supplier.

2. How to install it on a Calif EV ?
Do not unplug the battery.
- Remove the right lateral cover.
- Remove the original ECU fuse (the one located at the front) and keep it in a safe place.
- Put the power on (yes ! yes ! ) The fuel pump shouldn't work. Then, find on the fuse socket where the + polarity is located. You should read + 12 V here.
- If you cannot read + 12 V, check if the security switch is on (at your right hand) and if the stand is properly released...
- Switch the power off then install the assembly in an insolating tube (medicinal or equivalent). It should be strong enough. Remember : in case of any contact with the chassis of your bike, your electrical system will be damaged :-(((
- Connect the red wire on the + 12 V of the fuse socket and the blue wire on the free connection. The black wire has to be connected to a good ground. TAKE CARE : an error at this point might be a disaster!
- You simply have to settle it in an appropriate place and remount the lateral cover.

PnP Diod in place

3. And on another bike ?

Roughly, the principle is the same : find the good fuse and replace it by the assembly.

4. And what if the fuse burns ?

There are 2 ways to burn a fuse : the soft way and the other ;-)

Here you can see a softly burnt fuse

Burnt Fuse

The cut is not easy to see. So, you can imagine that this fuse has burnt only because of Murphy law or something close...

Here follows a clearly burnt fuse

Destroyed fuse

Fouyaya ;-) You can see the difference, the metal has been melt. Without the miraculous transil, your ECU was destroyed ! And now what ?

We try to repair ; if the overload is due to a faulty battery connection, you have to fix it first. Then we change the fuse. If the fuse burns as soon as the power is on, the diod is in shortcut.

If you think that the regulator is out of order, you can unplug the 2 yellow wires coming from the generator. Also unplug the red wire coming from the regulator and going to the battery. All these wires have to be insulated ! Here also, the diod might have burn. In such a case, simply put back the original fuse on the socket. Remember, you kept it in a sure place ;-)

If the protection has been efficient, your ECU is still alive and your bike should be able to restart. Now, the generator is unplugged, you shouldn't risk any overload but your battery will not charge... I don't know if you will be able to reach the next station in such conditions, but it might help ;-)))

More seriously, we can't ensure you that this system will protect your ECU efficiently since we didn't test it in real overload conditions. We hope these conditions will not arrive or in a far, far future.

